• K
    Kindergarten Standards
Top Mathematicians
  • Number
  • Shape and Space
    • K.SS.1
      Use direct comparison to compare two objects based on a single attribute, such as length (height), mass (weight), and volume (capacity).
      Compare the length (height) of two objects, and explain the comparison using the words “shorter,” “longer (taller),” or “almost the same.”
      Compare the mass (weight) of two objects, and explain the comparison using the words “lighter,”“ heavier,” or “almost the same.”
      Compare the volume (capacity) of two objects, and explain the comparison using the words “less,” “more,” “bigger,” “smaller,” or “almost the same.”
    • K.SS.2
      Sort 3-D objects using a single attribute.
      Sort a set of familiar 3-D objects using a single attribute, such as size or shape, and explain
      the sorting rule.
      Determine the difference between two pre-sorted sets by explaining a sorting rule used to sort them.
    • K.SS.3
      Build and describe 3-D objects.
      Create a representation of a 3-D object using materials such as modelling clay and building blocks, and compare the representation to the original 3-D object.
      Describe a 3-D object using words such as “big,” “little,” “round,” “like a box,” and “like a can.”
  • Patterns and Relations
    • K.PR.1
      Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two or three elements) by
      patterns using manipulatives, sounds, and actions.

      Distinguish between repeating patterns and non-repeating sequences in a set by identifying the part that repeats.
      Copy a repeating pattern (e.g., actions, sound, colour, size, shape, orientation) and describe the pattern.
      Extend a variety of repeating patterns to two more repetitions.
      Create a repeating pattern using manipulatives, musical instruments, or actions, and describe the pattern.
      Identify and describe a repeating pattern in the classroom, the school, and outdoors (e.g., in a familiar song, in a nursery rhyme).